Who's taking bets on the date of TO and Marshawn's first "team-building" arrest together? Hmm? Any takers? Maybe they can decimate Jim Kelly's house together now.
Let's just hope TO can teach Hardy some actual football skills [and hopefully he won't pick up on the 'me, me, me' attitude] and not implicate him in a hit-and-run like Marshawn's welcome-to-town party.

Don't get me wrong, Owens is a top-notch receiver that will hopefully be able to take some pressure off Evans for a while. But he's just such an arrogant cock. He instantly makes the Bills better, I'm not arguing that. But really, how can you make us worse? Make us not make the playoffs... again? Now there's something we haven't done in a while...
I just hope he doesn't send Trent running for the razors. I feel like Edwards is delicate goods right now, and I don't want something to send him into JP-mode [like a receiver who complains that he doesn't get enough touches, or worse yet, that the QB isn't good enough for him]. I feel something like that could do irreversible damage to his poor little psyche.
And I can't even talk about the Sabres game. Ugh.