There are so many things that could be said about last night! I started off in a pissy mood because I hate, I hate watching games in bars... for reasons that any real Sabres fan who's watched a game in a bar already knows. Let's just say I missed the first goal because it wasn't turned on yet and that just about sent me into cardiac arrest. Just as I was recovering from that, Patches hits the back of the net! Which literally almost made me fall off my stool. [the topic of my love for Paetsch, I have decided, will need a post entirely of its own, which will come soon]
After I realized I was watching the actual game, and not a highlight reel, I was able to settle into my seat and take it all in. My initial observation [after, holy shit where have you been all my life, you High Scoring Sabres] was that we seemed faster than normal. Anyone else feel that way? It was weird, like, all of the sudden we went from being a normal hockey team to Supermen on ice with NOS hooked up to our skates. Not sure how they smuggled that over the border, but good for them.
I've decided that the Sabres must hold stock in a drug company that sells Xanax. How else can you describe their injury scares? First Mairsy takes a puck off the foot, but then putting TimBits in the shot lane on the PK? Are you crazy Lindy?! When he was hit with that puck I thought he was done for good. We all know that all it takes to put him on the IR is a simple trip on a sidewalk... but this? A piece of vulcanized rubber flying at 100mph? C'mon man!
And now, poor Rivet, our strong outdoorsy Rivet, is singing lead soprano in the Alter-boys Choir.

[thanks to Sabretooth's House for pic]
Drew, Drew, Drew, what am I to do with you? Before I say what I'm about to say, let it be known that I cannot stand Drew Stafford. As a person. I think he's a total D-Bag. You all can disagree, that's fine. But c'mon, you can just tell that he was SO that way-too-cool-for-school punk ass. But at the same time, he's like the captain of the football team that is such an ass to everyone, but for some reason you, as the dorky forgotten about one, love him anyways- in all his asshole glory.*[see below]* But then you go on and have a hat trick. What's a girl to do? I mean, take a look at this vid:
You have to watch the whole thing through. You know TimBits was like, "Dude, I bet you'd never wear that out to the interview." And Drew's like, "Hells yeah I will." And Paille sits in the corner clapping his hands like Paula on AI and Roy's all like, "Man you're not gonna get any chicks with that thing."
The best part is he's acting all nonchalant about the pigeon. I mean, one guy even asked what it was [the out-of-town sports writers must have been very confused] and Drew [again, in all his asshole glory] looked down at him and simply said, "It's a pigeon." Then, Kevin Sylvester I believe, chirped in that it was the MVP.
Sidenote: how freaking adorable was the pic of him and Messier?
So, taking a look at the scoresheet, I'm wondering how, on a night like last night, could anyone possibly be a -1? I mean, I know technically how, but seriously Paille? How did that happen bro? Do we need to talk? Did Mair not read you your bedtime story so you were extra cranky?
I think that's all I'm going to say about last night. I could go on forever, but this is already way too long. In a few hours hopefully we'll all see them do it again!!
*[con't Drew asshole story]* I met him this summer [I work Darien Lake concerts] along with a bunch of other Sabres, and he was by far the biggest dickhead of them all. People would try to talk to him or even just smile at him, and he completely ignored everyone. I understand you just want to see your band blah, blah, blah, but you are a well known person in the Buffalo sports world. And for a lot of WNY'ers, that puts you about on the same plane as Christ himself. I don't expect you to sign stuff and talk to people when you're out and about living your life, but at least acknowledge they exist on the same planet as you do. *End rant here*